share your passion!

If you are passionate about your city and want to share your knowledge with travelers, becoming a local Calabria on the Road host is the right choice for you!

As a local host, you will have the opportunity to offer authentic and immersive experiences to travelers from around the world, guiding them to discover local culture, cuisine and traditions.

Becoming a local host on Calabria on the Road will give you the opportunity to earn extra money by sharing your knowledge and passion for your city, as well as meet new people and make new friends from all over the world.

Calabria on the Road also offers you ongoing support and training to help you create and deliver the best possible experiences.

Become host

Signing up as a local host of Calabria on the Road is easy and free!

Just fill out the application form and provide some information about yourself, your experiences, and the activities you would like to offer. Our team of experts will evaluate your application and contact you to help you create an extraordinary experience for our travelers.


Contact us anytime for assistance or more information

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Do you have any doubts? Contact us

Becoming a local host on Calabria on the Road is a rewarding experience that allows you to share your passion and knowledge of your city or region with travelers from around the world. If you are interested in becoming a local host on Calabria on the Road but would like more information, please feel free to contact us!